Friday, March 12, 2010

Prose poem in the works.

In an effort to be a little more productive with my personal writing, I've been writing with pencil and paper. I do this for two reasons: not everyone wants to read my every mood in a blog (nor do they since my blogging is so infrequent) and I can get a lot more of this "creative" writing (isn't all writing creative?) done and it's more satisfying than pounding keys. Also, I can do it while waiting for Facebook to refresh which brings me to the prose poem. A friend and colleague used the word "penetralia" in one of her posts. Being the word geek that I am, I was impressed and tucked it away in my memory for use later. It ended up in the stream of consciousness that I often put down on paper to warm up for a writing session and so I made a few changes and present it to you.

Draft 2 of Nonsense and Gibberish

I find my better work is here with the soft scratch of the pencil, the fluid motion, the so fine line on the paper trail. The curve of the ess and tail of the why; a tapered tail, smartly held in the off hand. A figure stops, gazes, resplendent in its grace, while a gabardine minstrel cruises by. It is late on the docks and the bouy peals, bells pealing just for you, sweetpea my darling. Stay for a moment, and in your stasis find the mineral gem, the hard glowing core, the penetralia in perpetuity.

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