Friday, May 16, 2008

Home is where the stomach is.


Home food. Diner food. Good old grill in the back, hot turkey or meatloaf sandwich food.

Hot dogs that split open when they're on a charcoal grill or in a frying pan. White hot dogs! Two hots with everything and a side of fries from Gitsis Texas Hots. Garbage plates. Country Sweet chicken and ribs.

Amish pancakes. Chicken soup with a matzoh ball as big as a child's fist. High Falls Brewery - a fancy name for Genesee "Jenny" Cream Ale.

Buffalo wings from Buffalo. Italian sausage with peppers and onions. Cheeseburgers with hot sauce, Abbott's chocolate almond soft-serve ice cream, Pontillos Pizza.

Friday fish fries: haddock dipped in beer batter and deep fried. Served up with coleslaw and a baked potato (French fries if you don't like the baked spud.)

The Public Market on a Saturday morning: steaming hot coffee in one hand, canvas bags in the other, nose and toes freezing equally while buying bulk cheese, home grown vegetables, donuts from the Greek guy, bunches of fresh basil to make pesto with and bargain Monk's Bread made at the Abbey of the Genesee by real monks.

Tom Wahl's root beer. Charlie Reidel's loganberry drink. Pop. Not whiney "soda" or snooty "tonic." Just pop.

Bless me. I need an Alka Seltzer.

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